Jebbee empowers students and career seekers with real-world videos and tools to confidently explore meaningful career paths.

More than just a social media platform

Campus Feed

Keep students, faculty, and alumni engaged with updates and videos related to school news and events.

Create Posts

Showcase yourself to schools and employers with a personalized video that highlights your unique qualities.


Find careers that match your BIG5 personality traits, interests, and skills.


Participate in a CareerDay where students and professionals can exchange questions and videos.

Ask Jebbee

Get answers to your questions about careers, schools, and companies through Jebbee AI insights.


Discover schools that align with your career goals and preferred campus experience.

School Profiles

Explore schools through insights from both administrators and current students.


Connect with companies that align with your education and career goals.

jebbee for students

Students & Career Seekers

Discover real-world videos from students and professionals that equip you with the confidence and resources to find a meaningful career and the roadmap to achieve it.

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jebbee for schools

Teaching Professionals & Career Counselors

A career and college readiness platform that guides students in developing self-awareness, exploring post-secondary options, and charting a path for their future.

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jebbee for companies

Hiring Managers & Recruiters

Nurture qualified future candidates by providing them with a compelling and immersive understanding of your company's mission, goals, and culture, fostering a connection as they seek their first career opportunity after graduation.

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